Church Hall

Hirers and users of any of the church property outside the space of the church designated for public worship and outside of the designated times do so at their own risk. It is part of the contract of use that users of the Church, Church Hall, meeting rooms, grounds and vicarage outside of these events and times must self- caretaker; cleaning and sanitizing all areas and items they are to use and repeat this at the end of their event or visit.  They are to keep a full register of their users according to current law.  Times, organisations and people using these spaces outside of the Thursday and Sunday Public acts of worship may be obtained from the Vicar who is to be informed of all activity with 24 hours notice until further notice.

Our Church Hall is situated in Lime Avenue adjacent to the church. The Hall is seen by St Margaret’s not just as a church facility but as a community facility and is one of the many ways that we support the local community.

The church hall is a well maintained two storey building built in the 1960s with a lift to the upper level – this is suitable for wheelchairs. There is simpler lift in the lower hall for those who cannot manage the three stairs between its two levels. The foyer has ladies, gents and disabled toilets with baby changing facilities.

There are three rooms available for hire either on a regular or occasional basis:

Lower Hall

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The Lower Hall has seating, on its lower level, for up to 50 persons; a kitchen is provided with a “Coffee” Bar” serving hatch.

The lower area is a large space for activities.

Room 2

About the size of a classroom with seating for 30 people. This is used by the Sunday School and for lectures etc.

Upper Hall

Accessed by stairs or a lift. Large kitchen with serving hatch. Very large hall area with tables & chairs available to seat up to 120 –  or up to 200 standing.

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If you would like to book the hall or have any enquiries relating to it, please contact Julia Fenton on 07950-909244 or email.


Our Terms & Conditions for hire are detailed in the following documents:

St Margaret’s Church

A detailed guide to the church building can be downloaded